21st Annual B2B Marketing
Chief Congress 2024
Chief Congress 2024
NeoMindset - New Strategies For Tapping Into Customer Purchasing Power
Jan 24/25/26, Shanghai, China
NeoMindset - New Strategies For Tapping Into Customer Purchasing Power
Jan 24/25/26, Shanghai, China
75+Plenary Sessions
65+Prominent Keynotes
10+Prominent Keynotes (Day1)
200+Senior B2B Marketers
80+Featured Speakers
50+B2B Industries
4+Concurrent tracks
Track AMarTech & ChatGPT
Track BABM & B2B Sales
Track CBranding & PR
Track DNeo-Mindset
Track EDigital Revolution
Track FGrowth Marketing
Track GInfluencer & Channel
Track HNeo-Workforce
80+ featured speakers
CEOGlobal ConsignIndex
Sr. Marketing DirectorF5 Inc.
Marketing DirectorMANN+HUMMEL
Growth VPKAWO科握
VP of SalesKAWO科握
Marketing DirectorBSI
Founder & CEOFenXi Consulting
Senior Market ResearcherGlodon
Marketing DirectorSchindler
GM, MarketingZOOMLion
APAC Marketing and communications DirectorMouser Electronics
Channel and Business Development Director, APACSLM Solutions
Brand DirectorDelixi Electric
Leader of Digital SolutionsLixil
VGM, Brand & Ecosystem DepartmentDH Energy
2023 is an extraordinary year that To B marketers enter a new era: from high-speed growth to high-quality growth with sustainability and steady expansion and from aggressive initiatives to excessive anti-risk and cost decision making. Everything may be more different than expected. Many To B marketers are slowly entering a running-in stage with uncertainty. The new technology is booming in the To B marketing field with the label of "nice-to-have" and is bringing many new problems at the same time. This time we will focus on the next generation of customer mindsets” NeoMindset”. As a CMO summit in the To B industry, we focus on "starting from the customer's mind" to deconstruct the big changes of the entire marketing ecology: from the global economy to the change of the industry chain to the change of customer mentality, subdivided into the journey of each stage, we look at the change of CMO mentality to the team to the use and iteration of marketing strategies and tools. From "Tao" to "Technique", we will usher in a big change and a new era of To B marketing!

- Day 1
- Day 2
- Day 3
Wednesday, January 24th
09:00Opening Speech: Marketing Review on 2023
09:15Compliance & security under new normal localized ecosystem
09:55Build Customer Mindset - How can B2B companies truly achieve product-effect integration?
10:35Tea Break & Networking
11:00NeoMindSet - New strategies for tapping into customer purchasing power
11:40Go Global vs. Localization (Panel Discussion)
12:20Lunch & Buffet
13:20Build enterprise thinktank, Understand about client new mindset
14:00Marketing Team Management: Increasing Accounts or Efficiency
14:40Tea Break & Networking
15:00Various marketing scenarios for customer experience in the digital age
15:40How AI can improve the effectiveness of business operations and marketing value
16:20Competitor analysis in b2b marketing regime under emergent market demand
17:00Data-driven digital marketing case sharing
Track AMartech & ChatGPT
Track BABM & B2B Sales
Track CBranding & PR
Track DNeo-Mindset
Thursday, January 25th
09:00Improve marketing efficiency through digital process optimization
09:45Digital Case Sharing in AI Markeitng
10:30TeaBreak & Networking
11:00How to put marketing first and put customers in the focus of digital marketing
11:45Discussion on local data policy and strategy
13:40How can B2B companies use digital means to find new growth points?
14:25The Economics of MarTech & AI: Can It Help You Increase Marketing Empowerment?
15:10TeaBreak & Networking
15:40How Local Martech Tools empower your digital marketing stategy?
16:25Inspiration for B2B marketing under the age of ChatGPT 4.0
09:00How to effectively measure your key account-based marketing plans
09:45What are B2B customers thinking, doing, and succeeding?
10:30TeaBreak & Networking
11:00The role of marketing in enabling and driving new thinking around sales enablement
11:45Under the economic downturn, how should B2B CMOs reduce costs and increase efficiency?
13:40Buyer's Persona Development - bedrock of a responsive marketing strategy
14:25How To Effectively Measure Your Account-Based Marketing Programs
15:10TeaBreak & Networking
15:40Gain meaningful industry insights from B2B lead management
16:25How to design a brand PR strategy to serve large customers
09:00Is PR worth investing in 2B and how to measure its value?
09:45How brands can leverage modern agility to create competitive advantage
10:30TeaBreak & Networking
11:00How to quantify the value of 2B brands?
11:45How to launch and quickly activate a new brand
13:40Directly reach end consumers through effective brand sponsorship
14:25Develop a unique and inspiring brand voice
15:10TeaBreak & Networking
15:40How and where B2B brands are investing in martech to drive better marketing outcomes
16:25Humanize your brand by using strategies smartly
09:00Various marketing scenarios for customer experience in the digital age
09:45Reinvent the relationship between markets and buyers
10:30TeaBreak & Networking
11:00Unlocking B2B Marketing Insights: How Modern Data and Creative Thinking Can Boost Your Marketing Campaigns
11:45Growth marketing will be essential for businesses that want to remain competitive
13:40Is AIGC a disruptor or a helper for B2B Marketer
14:25The challenges of corporate overseas marketing
15:10TeaBreak & Networking
15:40Content is King!
16:25Can AIGC revolutionize industrial marketers?
Track EMartech & ChatGPT
Track FGrowth Marketing
Track GInfluencer & Channel
Track HNeo-Workforce
Friday, January 26th
09:00E1Success factors for digital transformation
09:45How to incorporate an online event or meeting into an end-to-end demand generation plan
10:30TeaBreak & Networking
11:00Customer behavior is changing: a data strategy that helps you thrive
11:45Will AI replace some marketing efforts in the future?
13:40How to integrate LBM and ABM to help your business grow?
14:25The Economics of MarTech: Do Yours Stack Up?
15:10TeaBreak & Networking
15:40Medical device development based on artificial intelligence
16:25Inspiration for B2B marketing under the age of ChatGPT 4.0
09:00How campaigns are reaching different audiences and buying groups in different regions
09:45Great organizational capabilities. Leading companies are moving toward a place where ABM becomes a deeply ingrained core competency
10:30TeaBreak & Networking
11:00Sales & marketing work together to drive the business forward
11:45Sales Empowerment: How does the Industrial Marketing Department demonstrate economic value?
13:40New era of B2B marketing for small and beautiful businesses with market growth at its core
14:25Create a growth mindset to power growth marketing
15:10TeaBreak & Networking
15:40Response to the uncertain market, global optical storage and charging marketing thinking
16:25How to expand into new markets/categories and what is the best strategy to achieve this?
09:00How to identify influential experts in your industry to promote your content
09:45Break down the internal barriers of enterprises and realize the integration of marketing organizations
10:30TeaBreak & Networking
11:00How B2B industrial goods do creative content marketing
11:45How can brands break traditional boundaries and work with ecological partners to create value for customers?
13:40Marketing’s role in enabling and driving new thinking around sales enablement
14:25In the stock competition environment, how to break the traditional industrial market department
15:10TeaBreak & Networking
15:40Expand your footprint within an account by identifying key stakeholders
16:25How to build an ecological channel alliance to promote business growth
09:00Future-oriented portrait of the B2B marketer
09:45How to train a new generation of marketers to bring new vitality to 2B enterprises
10:30TeaBreak & Networking
11:00How to integrate AI into your content team – and keep everyone's work alive
11:45How to build or strengthen companies offline and online channels in the period of economic downturn
13:40What is the use of ChatGPT for a migrant worker?
14:25How to build and grow a marketing function to achieve revenue growth
15:10TeaBreak & Networking
15:40Expand your footprint in your account by identifying key stakeholders
16:25In the era of economic downturn, salespeople talk about workplace breakthroughs
09:00Opening Speech: Marketing Review on 2023
09:15Compliance & security under new normal localized ecosystem
09:55Build Customer Mindset - How can B2B companies truly achieve product-effect integration?
10:35Tea Break & Networking
11:00NeoMindSet - New strategies for tapping into customer purchasing power
11:40Go Global vs. Localization (Panel Discussion)
12:20Lunch & Buffet
13:20Build enterprise thinktank, Understand about client new mindset
14:00Marketing Team Management: Increasing Accounts or Efficiency
14:40Tea Break & Networking
15:00Various marketing scenarios for customer experience in the digital age
15:40How AI can improve the effectiveness of business operations and marketing value
16:20Competitor analysis in b2b marketing regime under emergent market demand
17:00Data-driven digital marketing case sharing
Wednesday, January 24th
- A
- B
- C
- D
09:00Improve marketing efficiency through digital process optimization
09:45Digital Case Sharing in AI Markeitng
10:30TeaBreak & Networking
11:00How to put marketing first and put customers in the focus of digital marketing
11:45Discussion on local data policy and strategy
13:40How can B2B companies use digital means to find new growth points?
14:25The Economics of MarTech & AI: Can It Help You Increase Marketing Empowerment?
15:10TeaBreak & Networking
15:40How Local Martech Tools empower your digital marketing stategy?
16:25Inspiration for B2B marketing under the age of ChatGPT 4.0
Track A
Martech & ChatGPT
Thursday, January 25th
09:00How to effectively measure your key account-based marketing plans
09:45What are B2B customers thinking, doing, and succeeding?
10:30TeaBreak & Networking
11:00The role of marketing in enabling and driving new thinking around sales enablement
11:45Under the economic downturn, how should B2B CMOs reduce costs and increase efficiency?
13:40Buyer's Persona Development - bedrock of a responsive marketing strategy
14:25How To Effectively Measure Your Account-Based Marketing Programs
15:10TeaBreak & Networking
15:40Gain meaningful industry insights from B2B lead management
16:25How to design a brand PR strategy to serve large customers
Track B
ABM & B2B Sales
Thursday, January 25th
09:00Is PR worth investing in 2B and how to measure its value?
09:45How brands can leverage modern agility to create competitive advantage
10:30TeaBreak & Networking
11:00How to quantify the value of 2B brands?
11:45How to launch and quickly activate a new brand
13:40Directly reach end consumers through effective brand sponsorship
14:25Develop a unique and inspiring brand voice
15:10TeaBreak & Networking
15:40How and where B2B brands are investing in martech to drive better marketing outcomes
16:25Humanize your brand by using strategies smartly
Track C
Branding & PR
Thursday, January 25th
09:00Various marketing scenarios for customer experience in the digital age
09:45Reinvent the relationship between markets and buyers
10:30TeaBreak & Networking
11:00Unlocking B2B Marketing Insights: How Modern Data and Creative Thinking Can Boost Your Marketing Campaigns
11:45Growth marketing will be essential for businesses that want to remain competitive
13:40Is AIGC a disruptor or a helper for B2B Marketer
14:25The challenges of corporate overseas marketing
15:10TeaBreak & Networking
15:40Content is King!
16:25Can AIGC revolutionize industrial marketers?
Track D
Thursday, January 25th
- E
- F
- G
- H
09:00E1Success factors for digital transformation
09:45How to incorporate an online event or meeting into an end-to-end demand generation plan
10:30TeaBreak & Networking
11:00Customer behavior is changing: a data strategy that helps you thrive
11:45Will AI replace some marketing efforts in the future?
13:40How to integrate LBM and ABM to help your business grow?
14:25The Economics of MarTech: Do Yours Stack Up?
15:10TeaBreak & Networking
15:40Medical device development based on artificial intelligence
16:25Inspiration for B2B marketing under the age of ChatGPT 4.0
Track E
Martech & ChatGPT
Friday, January 26th
09:00How campaigns are reaching different audiences and buying groups in different regions
09:45Great organizational capabilities. Leading companies are moving toward a place where ABM becomes a deeply ingrained core competency
10:30TeaBreak & Networking
11:00Sales & marketing work together to drive the business forward
11:45Sales Empowerment: How does the Industrial Marketing Department demonstrate economic value?
13:40New era of B2B marketing for small and beautiful businesses with market growth at its core
14:25Create a growth mindset to power growth marketing
15:10TeaBreak & Networking
15:40Response to the uncertain market, global optical storage and charging marketing thinking
16:25How to expand into new markets/categories and what is the best strategy to achieve this?
Track F
Growth Marketing
Friday, January 26th
09:00How to identify influential experts in your industry to promote your content
09:45Break down the internal barriers of enterprises and realize the integration of marketing organizations
10:30TeaBreak & Networking
11:00How B2B industrial goods do creative content marketing
11:45How can brands break traditional boundaries and work with ecological partners to create value for customers?
13:40Marketing’s role in enabling and driving new thinking around sales enablement
14:25In the stock competition environment, how to break the traditional industrial market department
15:10TeaBreak & Networking
15:40Expand your footprint within an account by identifying key stakeholders
16:25How to build an ecological channel alliance to promote business growth
Track G
Influencer & Channel
Friday, January 26th
09:00Future-oriented portrait of the B2B marketer
09:45How to train a new generation of marketers to bring new vitality to 2B enterprises
10:30TeaBreak & Networking
11:00How to integrate AI into your content team – and keep everyone's work alive
11:45How to build or strengthen companies offline and online channels in the period of economic downturn
13:40What is the use of ChatGPT for a migrant worker?
14:25How to build and grow a marketing function to achieve revenue growth
15:10TeaBreak & Networking
15:40Expand your footprint in your account by identifying key stakeholders
16:25In the era of economic downturn, salespeople talk about workplace breakthroughs
Track H
Friday, January 26th
One-Day PassSuper Early Bird RateRegister before Oct 256,345¥Per PersonStandard7,150¥Per Person
Two-Day PassSuper Early Bird RateRegister before Oct 2510,350¥Per PersonStandard11,500¥Per Person
Three-Day PassSuper Early Bird RateRegister before Oct 2512,150¥Per PersonStandard13,500¥Per Person
Annual B2B Marketing Chief Congress 2024
NeoMindset - New Strategies For Tapping Into Customer Purchasing Power
For participating and sponsorship Opportunities, please contact us at:
Mac Su

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