CONTENT100 is a KOL IP platform helping enterprises build up own“Volume Pool”. KOLs in different business sectors are interviewed on the discussion of the hot topics or pain points on the platform. Until June 1, 2020, CONTENT100 has published nearly 2,000+ videos. The regular episode will keep you updated on the industrial trends and market intelligence. 2018,we launch a new IP Marketing program: build IP community based on CONTENT100 platform for CXO individual to share the video of their individual experience and expertise area. We also launch “iShare” and ”iSupport” programs to realize Individual Brand IP asset in new content economics.
IP 网蓝对接平台是提供 职场大咖KOL 和企业对接的平台,通过C2B 的合作模式,让更多有专业程度的IP 对接企业的各类不定期需求 如调研顾问,演讲分享,内容撰写等。具有专业观点性的IP赋能了服务行业的市场洞察和品牌传播,丰富了各类发展中企业的智库和管理层认知。在互联互通时代,让个组织和专家IP建立更快捷的连接,同时让更多的IP 有信用背书和估值。让隔行不隔山是我们的宗旨!
LinkedIn(领英)创建于 2003 年,总部位于美国硅谷。作为一家全球领先的职场社交平台,领英的愿景是为全球30亿劳动力中的每一位创造经济机会,进而绘制世界首个经济图谱。截止2022年10月,领英全球会员总数已超过8.75亿,覆盖200多个国家和地区。其中,中国会员总数已逾61万。领英于2014年宣布进入中国,持续为个人会员和企业客户提供优质的本地化产品和服务,全方位帮助中国企业更好地连接全球商业机会。
KAWO provides a central hub for marketing teams to effectively collaborate, plan, manage and analyze content across WeChat, Weibo, Douyin and Kuaishou, the four major social media channels in China. Its unparalleled expertise in the local social media landscape, customer insights and regulations has helped more than 500 global brands succeed on Chinese social media platforms.
Canevent(会腾软件)自成立之初就以“科技改变会议及活动”为企业核心运营理念,致力于为中国的 B2B企业打造一个领先的会议及活动全流程、全链路解决方案的云端服务平台,帮助企业市场营销人员及活动策划组织方实现一站式活动管理的需求,在降低企业组织活动成本,提升运营效率的同时,将挖掘和沉淀到的多维度活动数据进行价值提炼,实现企业数据资产真应用,提高活动整体营销转化效果。
Custouch市场易是针对B2B企业的营销自动化SaaS服务商,我们帮助企业营销部门建立物料管理体系、线索管理体系和跨部门业务流程,市场易始终以“B2B营销人值得信赖的合作伙伴” 为定位并提供建立现代数字营销体系所需的对应服务。
Founded in the Netherlands in 1999,Webpower entered China in 2006 and now it has 11 branches around the world.
As an Omni-channel intelligent marketing service provider, Webpower launched the intelligent marketing platform Dmartech, creating a marketing closed loop for enterprises from omni-channel data integration, marketing automation, SCRM, with intellegient comunication touchpoints covering EDM, SMS, AI call center, Wechat, Wecom, etc.
Webpower has provided professional marketing services for 10 major industries including retail, IT, tourism, aviation, exhibition, finance etc., and brands like LVMH, Starbucks, SONY, ESTĒE LAUDER, Wal-mart, Chando, China Eastern Airlines and so on.