Jan 11/12/13, Shanghai, China
Annual World B2B Marketing Chief Congress 2023
Marketing Resilience - New Generation of B2B Marketers Under Glocalization
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The beginning of 2020 is a year when B2B marketers face postgraduate entrance exams and challenges. Uncertainty is almost everywhere! From products, customers, technologies to industries, all face changes in the rhythm of previous marketing. Whether active or passive, every market person will find ways to deal with this wave of uncertainty. Looking for market resilience, or becoming one of the hot topics of the moment. "What will happen tomorrow?" I believe you will ask yourself more than once! Everyone in the market is looking for new certainty, and we are looking for new processes to continuously standardize. Of course, you can also choose to "lie down" and wait for everything to get back on track. There is no way to escape and change the objective changes of the economic cycle! In 2022, it can be said that B2B marketers have opened a new marketing chapter, and the value, positioning, capabilities and social responsibility of the brand are all changing! At the 2023 CC Summit, let's discuss in depth "a new generation of B2B marketers under market resilience"
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Jan 11/12/13 2023, Shanghai, China
  • CEO Global ConsignIndex
  • Marketing Director F5 Networks
  • Digital & Integrated Marketing Manager 3M
  • Vice President of Growth KAWO科握
  • VP of Sales KAWO科握
  • Head of New Business, Marketing Solutions LinkedIn China
  • CMO Cyclone
  • COO MedTecX
  • Senior Marketing Manager, Corporate Communications Basf
  • GM Marketing & BD Fonterra
  • Head of Communications Atlas Copco
  • Consumer & Market Insight Director Universal Beijing Resort
  • Vice President of Strategic Development Beidahuang City Taste
  • Brand Director HGZN Group
  • Regional Director Marketing & Communications APAC Kardex Remstar
  • Strategy & Partnership Director Faurecia
  • Marketing Director Jiuwu Hi-Tech
  • Marketing Director Aerofugia
  • Marketing Director, APAC Screening Eagle Technologies
  • Head of B2B e-Plarform Schneider Electric
Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Main ConferenceWednesday 11 January
Track A Digital Growth
9:00 Digital supply chain helps digital marketing upgrade
9:45 China Social Media Strategy and Management
10:30 Tea Break
11:00 How to improve digital marketing revenue during the epidemic?
11:45 How we build the right infrastructure and teams to maximise digital campaign effectiveness
12:30 Lunch Buffet
14:00 What automation systems is suitable to 2B business?
14:45 How to realign strategy, technology, and teams to deliver ROI on your events as part of your digital campaigns
15:30 Tea Break
16:00 Integrate your marketing efforts by unifying existing systems, data, people and processes
16:45 What enlightenment does Metaverse Marketing bring to B2B ordinary people?
17:30 End
Track B Brand Value
09:00 How brands can leverage modern agility to create a competitive advantage
09:45 How do 2B brands quantify value?
10:30 Tea Break
11:00 To build a brand into an enterprise value account, he is the foundation for the long-term generation of an enterprise
11:45 How to make 2B brand value win the respect of peers and change the minds of customers
12:30 Lunch Buffet
14:00 Marketing mindset in innovation center
14:45 How B2B Companies Build Growth Flywheel with Social Media
15:30 Tea Break
16:00 How and where B2B brands are investing in martech to drive better marketing outcomes B2B
16:45 Thought leadership: so much MORE than brand building
17:30 End
Track C Account-Based Marketing
09:00 Leading companies are moving towards a place where ABM is an ingrained core competency
09:45 How to Effectively Measure Your Key Account-Based Marketing Program
10:30 Tea Break
11:00 Channel selection and growth engine for go-global brands
11:45 Expand your footprint in your account by identifying key stakeholders
12:30 Lunch Buffet
14:00 Improving the Customer Experience with Advanced Analytics
14:45 How to Use Buyer Intent Data to Supercharge Your ABM Promotion Strategy
15:30 Tea Break
16:00 How To Effectively Measure Your Account-Based Marketing Programs
16:45 How To Go To Market With ABM & Accelerate Accounts To Revenue
17:30 End
Track D Marketing Resilience
09:00 The new 2B marketing ecosystem in the post-epidemic era
09:45 How to successfully build more tangible creativity, relevance and value in your work
10:30 Tea Break
11:00 IP Ecosystem Construction of TOB Channel TOB
11:45 How to Strengthen the Construction of the Organizational Structure of Marketing Integration
12:30 Lunch Buffet
14:00 How to train a new generation of marketers to 2B enterprises
14:45 How to train a X-Gen marketers to bring new vitality to 2B enterprises
15:30 Tea Break
16:00 How can local companies use their own advantages to quickly adapt to changes in the Chinese market
16:45 Growth-Hacking with Influencers/KOL - a spotlight on the trend of Influencer Owned Brands
17:30 End
Track E Martech Advanced
09:00 Enablers: A New Position for B2B Marketers
09:45 Success factors in digital transformation: organizational agreement, enough resources, marketing obsession of digital marketing
10:30 Tea Break
11:00 Discussion on local data policy and strategy
11:45 The digital transformation of traditional manufacturing
12:30 Lunch Buffet
14:00 Enablers: How to identify the appropriate martech platforms to integrate into your plan, across the entire customer journey
14:45 A vision of digital collections &NTF in B2B
15:30 Tea Break
16:00 How to drive business growth from emerging Longtail customers by digital marketing initiatives by traditional B2B industry
16:45 The Economics of MarTech: Do Yours Stack Up?
17:30 End
Track F Inbound Content
09:00 The Status Quo of Brand Awareness and the Pain Points of Brand Awareness Building
09:45 How the whole customer experience was considered and enhanced
10:30 Tea Break
11:00 How the campaign was translated and stretched to reach different audiences and buying groups in different territories
11:45 How to incorporate virtual events or meetings into and end-to-end demand generation program
12:30 Lunch Buffet
14:00 How to get marketers, writers, and designers to show the audiences their best ideas
14:45 How to identify the influential experts in your industry to promote your content
15:30 Tea Break
16:00 Implement each of these for your business to document an effective content marketing strategy
16:45 How to incorporate virtual events or meetings into and end-to-end demand generation program
17:30 End
Track G Sales Enablement
09:00 How to leverage all the functional resource to achieve sales excellence?
09:45 Run an Effective Tele Marketing Program to Drive More Demands to Sales
10:30 Tea Break
11:00 Establishing Solid Relationships with Your Clients to Make More SQLs
11:45 Helping sales teams leverage marketing programs to get in the buying process
12:30 Lunch Buffet
14:00 Developing an integrated plan to influence leads later in the buy cycle
14:45 Time and opportunities: filter more opportunities to improve the sales success rate within the given time by wise marketing strategies
15:30 Tea Break
16:00 How Traditional Industrial Enterprises Facing Multiple Industries Drive Sales Growth Through Market Insights and Data Quantitative Analysis
16:45 Mind the Consumption Gap! Don’t let a rushed Sales Procedure Ruin Your Effort
17:30 End
Track H Crisis Awareness
09:00 How to create, nurture and lead an unstoppably creative and successful marketing team
09:45 How to strengthen the construction of the organizational structure of marketing integration
10:30 Tea Break
11:00 How to Create a Killer B2B Pricing Strategy to Grow Your Business
11:45 How to get rid of the chaotic industry caused by the epidemic and regain customers through marketing activities
12:30 Lunch Buffet
14:00 Turning a loss into a profit: increasing the profitability of the marketing sector
14:45 Is the live streaming mode suitable for B2B marketing?
15:30 Tea Break
16:00 The dilemma of overseas marketing
16:45 How to strengthen the construction of the organizational structure of marketing integration
17:30 End
08:55 Opening Speech: Marketing Review on 2022
09:00 More Than a Brand: Why Championing ESG is Marketers’ New Role
09:45 After 3 years of reflection on the epidemic, where is the way out for B2B marketers?
10:30 Tea Break
11:00 What innovations and new ideas will the marketing trends in 2023 bring?
11:45 How to improve your SEO/SEM campaign?
12:30 Lunch Buffet
13:45 The Cockpit of the Future: Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Transformation
14:30 Marketing, Product and Technology: the roadmap trade-off
15:15 Tea Break
16:00 Value marketing under the new normal (medium and low speed) growth of macro economy
16:45 Build a brand value system and improve customers' purchase of the brand
17:30 KOL Economy – create a win-win strategy to both
9:00 Digital supply chain helps digital marketing upgrade
9:45 China Social Media Strategy and Management
10:30 Tea Break
11:00 How to improve digital marketing revenue during the epidemic?
11:45 How we build the right infrastructure and teams to maximise digital campaign effectiveness
12:30 Lunch Buffet
14:00 What automation systems is suitable to 2B business?
14:45 How to realign strategy, technology, and teams to deliver ROI on your events as part of your digital campaigns
15:30 Tea Break
16:00 Integrate your marketing efforts by unifying existing systems, data, people and processes
16:45 What enlightenment does Metaverse Marketing bring to B2B ordinary people?
17:30 End
09:00 How brands can leverage modern agility to create a competitive advantage
09:45 How do 2B brands quantify value?
10:30 Tea Break
11:00 To build a brand into an enterprise value account, he is the foundation for the long-term generation of an enterprise
11:45 How to make 2B brand value win the respect of peers and change the minds of customers
12:30 Lunch Buffet
14:00 Marketing mindset in innovation center
14:45 How B2B Companies Build Growth Flywheel with Social Media
15:30 Tea Break
16:00 How and where B2B brands are investing in martech to drive better marketing outcomes B2B
16:45 Thought leadership: so much MORE than brand building
17:30 End
09:00 Leading companies are moving towards a place where ABM is an ingrained core competency
09:45 How to Effectively Measure Your Key Account-Based Marketing Program
10:30 Tea Break
11:00 Channel selection and growth engine for go-global brands
11:45 Expand your footprint in your account by identifying key stakeholders
12:30 Lunch Buffet
14:00 Improving the Customer Experience with Advanced Analytics
14:45 How to Use Buyer Intent Data to Supercharge Your ABM Promotion Strategy
15:30 Tea Break
16:00 How To Effectively Measure Your Account-Based Marketing Programs
16:45 How To Go To Market With ABM & Accelerate Accounts To Revenue
17:30 End
09:00 The new 2B marketing ecosystem in the post-epidemic era
09:45 How to successfully build more tangible creativity, relevance and value in your work
10:30 Tea Break
11:00 IP Ecosystem Construction of TOB Channel TOB
11:45 How to Strengthen the Construction of the Organizational Structure of Marketing Integration
12:30 Lunch Buffet
14:00 How to train a new generation of marketers to 2B enterprises
14:45 How to train a X-Gen marketers to bring new vitality to 2B enterprises
15:30 Tea Break
16:00 How can local companies use their own advantages to quickly adapt to changes in the Chinese market
16:45 Growth-Hacking with Influencers/KOL - a spotlight on the trend of Influencer Owned Brands
17:30 End
09:00 Enablers: A New Position for B2B Marketers
09:45 Success factors in digital transformation: organizational agreement, enough resources, marketing obsession of digital marketing
10:30 Tea Break
11:00 Discussion on local data policy and strategy
11:45 The digital transformation of traditional manufacturing
12:30 Lunch Buffet
14:00 Enablers: How to identify the appropriate martech platforms to integrate into your plan, across the entire customer journey
14:45 A vision of digital collections &NTF in B2B
15:30 Tea Break
16:00 How to drive business growth from emerging Longtail customers by digital marketing initiatives by traditional B2B industry
16:45 The Economics of MarTech: Do Yours Stack Up?
17:30 End
09:00 The Status Quo of Brand Awareness and the Pain Points of Brand Awareness Building
09:45 How the whole customer experience was considered and enhanced
10:30 Tea Break
11:00 How the campaign was translated and stretched to reach different audiences and buying groups in different territories
11:45 How to incorporate virtual events or meetings into and end-to-end demand generation program
12:30 Lunch Buffet
14:00 How to get marketers, writers, and designers to show the audiences their best ideas
14:45 How to identify the influential experts in your industry to promote your content
15:30 Tea Break
16:00 Implement each of these for your business to document an effective content marketing strategy
16:45 How to incorporate virtual events or meetings into and end-to-end demand generation program
17:30 End
09:00 How to leverage all the functional resource to achieve sales excellence?
09:45 Run an Effective Tele Marketing Program to Drive More Demands to Sales
10:30 Tea Break
11:00 Establishing Solid Relationships with Your Clients to Make More SQLs
11:45 Helping sales teams leverage marketing programs to get in the buying process
12:30 Lunch Buffet
14:00 Developing an integrated plan to influence leads later in the buy cycle
14:45 Time and opportunities: filter more opportunities to improve the sales success rate within the given time by wise marketing strategies
15:30 Tea Break
16:00 How Traditional Industrial Enterprises Facing Multiple Industries Drive Sales Growth Through Market Insights and Data Quantitative Analysis
16:45 Mind the Consumption Gap! Don’t let a rushed Sales Procedure Ruin Your Effort
17:30 End
09:00 How to create, nurture and lead an unstoppably creative and successful marketing team
09:45 How to strengthen the construction of the organizational structure of marketing integration
10:30 Tea Break
11:00 How to Create a Killer B2B Pricing Strategy to Grow Your Business
11:45 How to get rid of the chaotic industry caused by the epidemic and regain customers through marketing activities
12:30 Lunch Buffet
14:00 Turning a loss into a profit: increasing the profitability of the marketing sector
14:45 Is the live streaming mode suitable for B2B marketing?
15:30 Tea Break
16:00 The dilemma of overseas marketing
16:45 How to strengthen the construction of the organizational structure of marketing integration
17:30 End
Rates · For Marketer Pricing
Three-Day Pass
Super Early Bird Rat (Register before Oct 25) RMB 11,520 Standard RMB 12,800
Two-Day Pass
Super Early Bird Rat (Register before Oct 25) RMB 9,720 Standard RMB 10,800
One-Day Pass
Super Early Bird Rat (Register before Oct 25) RMB 6,120 Standard RMB 6,800
Business IP
C2B IP Enablement Platform
Gold Sponsor
Contacts For participating and sponsorship Opportunities, please contact us at: Mac Su
Tel: 86 21 5631 3008
Email: macs@consignindex.com
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